During the pilot period, in the wake of a series of sudden death of King Arthur, chaos that threatened to engulf Britain. When the young wizard Merlin and the famous imagines a dark future to come forward, has been installed and the hot-headed young Arthur, Uther alienated by an unknown son and heir, who has done since the birth of a more general nature. However, Morgan, Arthur's half sister ambitious and cold, let it happen. He does not allow Arthur to avoid his evil plans. 'S determined to do everything and fight with Arthur, until the bitter end, inviting all the unnatural forces of its claim the crown in this epic battle for control.
In fact, these dark times for the new king and future, but with Guinevere, the only bright lights in the world lasts Arthur.
Seeing Season 1 Camelot online, please take a look back at our past, especially at a time when the legendary King Arthur, ruler of the country with The Knights of the Round Table, his personal adviser, a young magician named Merlin and his struggle for the throne by his evil half-sister, Morgan.
The young king is tested beyond imagination, as a challenge to combine whose reign of war and full of trickery. Filled with lots of action scenes, and a series of magical adventures of spells, forget everything you know and enjoy, while watching Third Watch Season 1 Episode 2 online.